Sporting activities involve numerous situations for which Mediation may be useful. Professional athletes are extremely visible, both due to the high salaries they command and the huge price placed on team franchises. Because of the monetary value placed on such athletes, contract disputes often arise that are appropriate for private mediation or arbitration.
Current controversies provide the basis for mediated and arbitrated disputes. Sporting organizations often have disputes pertaining to the eligibility of an athlete to participate in a specific competition, the outcome of a particulars race or match, or disqualifications of athletes based on variety of circumstances including substance use. Athletes frequently have disputes among themselves or with their coaches that should be settled amicably.
Time is of the essence in determining the outcome of any of these disputes, and Mediation provides an unbiased forum of all parties to be heard and for mutually agreed determination.
As a former world class athlete himself, Mr. Cohen understands athletes concerns. He still holds the shot put record at Cambridge University in England, has participated for the United States in the world Maccabiah Games, was the former record holder in shot put at Harvard University, holds medals in British Indoor Championship, won the British University Shot Put championship and is a multiple medalist in National Indoor and Outdoor United States Masters competitions.
Mr. Cohen was the Treasurer and Past President of the United States International Speed Skating Charitable Fund, is a former member of the President’s Advisory Board of the United States International Speed Skating Association, and was a legal counsel to USISA. He has held the position of President of the Northbrook Bicycle Club, the Northbrook Cycle Committee, and the Northbrook Speed Skating Club, and the current USATF Masters Midwest Region Coordinator, was a member of the USATF Athletes Board of Review and is the Chair of the USATF Masters Anti-doping and Substance Abuse Committee.
Mr. Cohen been inducted into the Northbrook Park District Sports Hall of Fame and the East Chicago, Indiana Sports Hall of Fame. Stephen B. Cohen is sensitive to the concerns of athletes and understands the position of sports management and governing boards. He is dedicated to promoting amicable solutions to problems arising out of sports related activities. Mr. Cohen may be engaged as a Mediator by calling him at 219-836-1171 or contact him by email at lawsbc@gmail.com