Practice Areas


While litigation is routinely utilized to resolve legal disputes, mediation offers numerous advantages to court room litigation and is often a better choice. Efficiency: Mediation is generally more efficient than litigation and less time consuming. Waiting for trial dates usually can be scheduled as soon as all parties have agreed on a mediator, and reasonable discovery completed mutually acceptable date can be set. Privacy: In contrast to litigation, mediation is private. When a controversy is litigated, the discussion held during the trial, the information exchanged, and the proposed resolutions are all a matter of public record.Read More


Mediation is used to resolve disputes related to accidents causing bodily injury to one or more persons. While most injured parties are looking for a financial resolution. If government entities are involved of a new law or safety initiative, which can help prevent future similar occurrences maybe explored. Sometimes some settlements with governmental authorities are not possible using traditional litigation. Mediation of personal injury cases can be beneficial to both parties because issues can be resolved more quickly, control remains in the hands of those most intimately affected, and costs can be kept under control successful mediation requires that all parties agree on a mutually agreed outcome.Read More


Condominium mediation differs from most other types of conflict resolution in that the parties involved must continue to co-exist in close physical proximity to one another. Quick resolution of disputed issues offers the greatest possibility of maintaining a harmonious living environment. The issues most often causing disputes in condominiums or ownership communities fall into two main categories: disputes among owners and disputes between owners and the condominium board of directors or management. Disputes between owners can arise from matters as trivial as balcony decor to as serious as flooding in an individual unit cased by water problems in another unit. Neighbor complaints can stem from noise issues or pet problems.Read More


Sporting activities involve numerous situations for which Mediation may be useful. Professional athletes are extremely visible, both due to the high salaries they command and the huge price placed on team franchises. Because of the monetary value placed on such athletes, contract disputes often arise that are appropriate for private mediation or arbitration. Current controversies provide the basis for mediated and arbitrated disputes. Sporting organizations often have disputes pertaining to the eligibility of an athlete to participate in a specific competition, the outcome of a particulars race or match, or disqualifications of athletes based on variety of circumstances including substance use. Athletes frequently have disputes among themselves or with their coaches that should be settled amicablyRead More


Real Estate Mediation, including Residential and Commercial construction, Development, Purchase and Sale Agreements, Title Insurance disputes, Landlord Tenant disputes, Commercial Lease disputes, Mold Contamination, and related matters are all areas ripe for mediation and the subject matter for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Some of the Real Estate disputes may arise out of a breach of warranty, fraudulent representations within a contract, sub-contractor’s actions against a General Contractor or Construction Manager for non-payment of a draw request, the inability to lease to a particular vendor due to restrictive language in an anchor tenant’s lease, or situations where a seller covers up an area that might show previous flooding or water damage.Read More


What is Arbitration? Simply put, Arbitration is a private method to resolve disputes where a single person, the Arbitrator (or a Panel of three Arbitrators), hear evidence (with less formal rules being applied), have an opportunity to review written submissions, evaluate creditability of witnesses, apply the law, and render a decision that is enforceable in a Court of general jurisdiction. Generally, there is no appeal of an Arbitration Decision, but a party to the Arbitration may go to Court to have the Arbitrator’s decision vacated based upon specific statutory reasons. However, it is very rare for an Arbitration award to be over-turned by the Courts.Read More